CCTV Content Now On ENEX

Content from CCTV, China is now available through ENEX.  CCTV’s agency ‘CCTV+’ produces about 80 news items per day from China and from its extensive network of bureaux around the world. ENEX will select the most relevant videos every day, according to the news agenda. Many ENEX partners already have a simple signed agreement with CCTV to facilitate use of the material. Read more

Watch out for Wochit

ENEX content will now be available on the Wochit video creation platform, for those members who also are clients of Wochit.

A number of ENEX members such as TV2 Denmark, CBS, M6, RTL Germany and Caracol, Colombia are already using Wochit to create videos for social media applications. Read more

ENEX and the European Institutions – Joining the Dots

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you already know about the new connection between ENEX and the European Commission in Brussels, making it possible for the partners to book the Commission’s facilities and connect to the ENEX satellite space.

But now we’ve gone one step further by making a deal with the European institutions to switch the signal between the European Commission and the European Parliament MCRs, giving us a new option for all kind of transmissions between both locations and our MCR, where the signal can then be turned around onto our sat space or other connectivity solutions.

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European Commission New Deal

European Commission studios and stand-up facilities are now connected to ENEX under a new deal struck between the Commission and a consortium including ENEX. The other parties include Luxembourg’s Telecom operator POST and RTL’s Broadcast Center Europe (BCE). Under the deal two HD lines will run to and from ENEX’s new headquarters at RTL City Luxembourg and the Berlaymont building in Brussels.

ENEX partners will now be able to book the free audiovisual services of the Commission and connect to our satellite space or other connectivity solutions. Read more

A Glimpse Into The Future

More than 60 delegates from the ENEX partner base gathered for the annual Coordinators Meeting in Brussels at the end of February.

They were granted a glimpse into the future as partners and invited speakers took part in sessions that examined how journalism, new technology and government intervention might shape how we all work in the coming months and years.

Mobile journalism came under the spotlight as colleagues from BFM talked about how their new Paris-based news channel uses only iPhones for all their picture gathering and reporter lives and an app demonstration looked at how those pictures can be edited on the move. Read more

ENEX – On The Move

ENEX has moved offices to a new building. The move has been triggered by the decision of RTL Group Luxembourg to build a new media complex called ‘RTL City’ adjacent to the previous offices. The move started on Tuesday 12th December and continued for three days.  ENEX has been fully operational for the first time at the new premises on the morning of Thursday 15th December. Read more

Nobel Peace Prize – ENEX Partners in Full Cooperation

As Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos arrived in Norway to accept this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, Caracol TV’s correspondents were already broadcasting live from Oslo – thanks to the cooperation of TV2. Caracol’s TV promo for their coverage of the trip

Live and Direct – ENEX Partners at the European Parliament

In the six months since ENEX held its one-off production seminar at the European Parliament, on-the-spot lives by partners have increased dramtically.

That’s according to Oscar Fontao, of the Parliament’s Audio Visual Unit, who has taken the technical lead in making those lives a reality. Read more

ENEX’s Caribbean Adventure

ENEX’s 2016 General Assembly had everything a partner could possibly want – right down to a breaking news special event.

The main day of the conference – attended by around 70 delegates – coincided with the announcement that the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize had been won by Colombia President Juan Manuel Santos for his role in bringing the country’s 50-year civil war to an end.

And in true ENEX style, we turned it into a special SNG event so partners could report live into their home stations’ news programmes. Read more

ENEX Testimonial from RTL Germany

There’s just a few days to go to ENEX’s General Assembly in Cartagena, Colombia. It is one of the most exciting destinations and most interesting agendas ever organised by ENEX. Our Colombian partners, Caracol, are making the final preparations to host ENEX delegates as they prepare to fly. Read more